Tuesday, November 23, 2010

James is 10 Months Old!

Wow how times fly's! I can not believe it has been 10 months since we welcomed James into the world. He really has turned into a character this last month. His newest trick is making faces when you try to take a picture of him...a sign of things to come maybe? He enjoys torturing his sister, hitting, biting, drooling and so on. He knows that "No" means go faster or hit harder. He is bound and determined to get us a new TV no matter what he has to do...hit it with toy trucks, sippy cups or books. One of my favorite new talents of his is ability to give big sloppy kisses. We were walking through target this week and he looked up and pursed his lips...it was adorable, I of course gave him a smooch.  He decided I needed to kiss him every other step from that point on. If I missed a kiss he would pat my hand and stick his lips out. I think I'll remember that trip to the store forever, I have no idea what I purchased. 

Here are a few shots of Mr. Hot Stuff himself just before bath time. 






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